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Request for Course Information

Please provide as much information as possible.

Asterisks denote a required field

Your full name:*(please provide at least your first and last names)

First name: Middle initials: Surname:

Your contact numbers: *(please provide at least one phone number)

Home: Work/School: Mobile:

Your addresses: *(please provide at least one mailing address)


Street and No.: Suburb:

Post Code: City: State:


Street, Building, Floor No.: Suburb:

Post Code: City: State:

Your e-mail addresses: *(please provide at least one e-mail address)

Home: Work/School:

Where would you prefer us to contact you?

At home At work/school

How would you prefer us to contact you?

By phone By mail By e-mail

What, in general, would you like to know? *

Pricing, what are the course costs, and what methods of payment are acceptable?

Payment plans, are there any discount schemes, does HECS apply, can I pay off my education?

Eligibility, what qualifications are required before I can start a given course?

Timetable, what are my scheduling options, can my work/school/family commitments be accommodated?

Resources, what textbooks and materials are required, how much do they cost, and where can I get them?

Qualifications, what formal qualifications can I expect upon completion, are they industry recognized?

Other, please specify in the box below

Select the specific course/s in which you are interested: *

Certificate II in Information Technology (On-line)

Certificate III in Information Technology (Network Administration with Industry A+ Certificate Preparation)

Certificate III in Information Technology (Applications Stream - On-line)

Certificate IV in Information Technology (Websites)

Diploma of Information Technology (Website Development)

Certificate IV in Information Technology (Networking)

Diploma of Information Technology (Networking)

All of the above

Campus Location:

Which campus is more easily accessible to where you live/work?

Southbank Kangaroo Point Morningside

Transport Timetables:

Which is closer to your house?

Train Station Bus Stop Ferry Terminal

Anything else you'd like to ask us or tell us?

Just a couple more questions for survey purposes:

Would you categorize yourself as...

A potential student

Parent or guardian of a potential student

Other (please specify below)

What is your educational level?

Completed junior certificate only

Completed senior certificate only

Completed other tertiary studies (please specify below)

Note: the Southbank Institute of Technology affirms that any and all information provided by you on this form shall be used for administrative and customer service purposes only and, in accordance with our Privacy Policy, shall be neither traded nor sold. Thank you for showing an interest in the Southbank Institute and for reading this tiny bit at the bottom of the form.
Southbank Institute of Technology and Queensland Government logos provided courtesy of the Business & IT Faculty of the Southbank Institute for limited use. Logos remain the creative and intellectual property of the copyright owners Southbank Institute of Technology (http://www.southbank.edu.au/) and the Queensland Government (http://www.qld.gov.au/)

Valid CSS!

Copyright Richard Atherton 2008